Grief and joy live closely together, don’t they? Just today as I was getting my hair done and discussing my gray with my beautician, I pulled out my phone to show her a pic of my mom, who had mostly dark hair until her death at 83. My beautician pointed out the little bits of gray that mom did have were in the same places mine is showing up. Suddenly, I was filled with such a deep love for my mom and sadness at her absence. 😒 Feeling all the feels at this time of year.

Enjoy your break and that precious family time! So glad to have made your acquaintance this year!

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We lost a pet earlier this year too--our cat--and your description of sitting with Truffles was so familiar. I've also reflected on the passage of Jesus weeping at Lazarus' grave, even knowing he was going to resurrect him. What a lovely reminder that God does hate death too, and that he's there with us in it.

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your writing is so beautiful. I know Truffles was a beloved pet and the death of 2 sweet animals in the matter of a few months is very hard. I love the way you connected your experience to the movie. I read Suleika's memoir earlier this year and enjoyed her perspective and her growth through her challenges. I love you friend and miss you. Wish I could give you hugs.

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What a beautiful meditation Aimee! Thank you for sharing your thoughtful and deep meditation on loss and staying open.

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