Lovely! My spouse and I hit 27 years of marriage next week on July 27th and I can relate to the many ages and stages of love and relationship.

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I know you can, friend. I hope you can do something fun for your anniversary. We're kind of terrible at making anniversary plans.

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This reminds me of how I “loved” my husband’s adventurous approach to hiking while we were dating...

10 years later it turns out I don’t prefer bushwhacking 😆 Thankfully we now have 4 little boys who are happy to take the adventurous route. And the battery story 😆

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023Author

Exactly. Kids do help! None of my kids have a particular fondness for electronic music, but the fact that they share a love of music with their Dad is helpful. When we were on our trip to Maine, the kids took turns choosing the music. I asked if I could be the DJ and choose 45 minutes of silence for my slot. It was not a popular suggestion. I love music at certain times versus my family who loves music at all times.

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Thanks for your stories. Our running joke after 35 years of marriage is how my husband seemed to love shopping and walking around the mall with me while we were dating. I thought that was so great! Ha. That abruptly ended once we were married. 😆

I’ve been watching The Bear too. Love the intensity, the cooking, the characters, and the story. But, I’m really annoyed by the frequent use of the F-word, and wonder if the writers just run out of creativity at that point, or what? It’s crazy how commonplace it’s becoming. We loved Ted Lasso...best show in a long time, but again, why so many F-words? (Though I must admit, on that show they sometimes made us laugh. 😂🤭)

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Yes! Your story about your husband and shopping, it all fits in with the glow of young love. I don't think any of us were trying to be deceptive, we really believed we loved ALL the things.

Agree completely about The Bear. And TV in general. I think they could have gotten the setting and characters across with a smattering of language rather than how persistent it is. It's hard though because every other aspect of the storytelling from camera work to the acting to the writing is excellent. And my 20 and 22 year old are quick to remind me that they are regularly around people at college and at work who really do speak that way, so maybe it's actually realistic to the story being told.

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