These are great questions to reflect on. Thank you for sharing (and what a great stack of books!)

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Liked by Aimee Guest

Aimee. I've heard the same echo from the Holy Spirit when I sit down surrounded by books; my book stack has gotten much much shorter as a result.

I'm m finding lately that fiction is much more inspirational to me, offering me more opportunities for creativity and imagination. Books that have information and ideas in them can be overwhelming, and I think you are right. Sometimes we just need to take the cork off the top and let the words flow out from what God's already put inside.

My suggested title for your little poem is "Uncorked."

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I'm so sorry about the chronic pain you endure. Your words here are full of grace and I appreciate how you differentiate between acceptance and acknowledgement.

And I'm so glad you took the trip! My daughter is a good decade behind yours, but I hope I'll get similar invitations when she's older.

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I love this poem! You’ve captured well what I feel on so many days.

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I’d love to answer your questions but I think I’d end up writing a whole newsletter in your comments! Plus, I have to give them a little more thought. I’m so sorry about your chronic pain, but I think you have a very good attitude about it. And you’re obviously still a fun parent and adventuring into brain-eating-bacteria-infested waters (eewww!)! You go, girl! I really enjoy your writing.

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