I am ALWAYS delighted to get opportunity to peer into your Creativity Lab. Thank you for taking us there this week!!

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I love the idea of taking the pressure off by not tying ourselves to one thing for the entire year. Sometimes we need the freedom to float.

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You’re brilliant. Seriously, Friend. What a gift you have!!

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I’m so thankful you are finding your very own way. I sense the freedom in your words and your choice accept a unique invitation each month. I’ll be along for the ride! (Also “snow so much newer than both of us” - resonated so much.)

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Your newsletter makes me want to go make stuff!!! I get so antsy as I’m reading, it takes so much self-control to finish reading. Take it as a compliment: I absolutely love your artwork and your word craft-- so much so that I just need to go make something of my own!

Thank you!

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Love this! The creating of rhythms month to month instead of the whole year seems much less intimidating. And the idea of repetition with our creative ideas--I tend to move on once I’ve finished a newsletter or blog post. But what if there is more to say or see?

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